Wild Days
Would you like to spend some time with others in nature?
If so, join us for a WILD DAY
Planned for the last Friday of the month, these monthly nature-based wellbeing sessions are for anyone aged 18 and over and living in North Somerset 11 am - 3 pm
"I find it soothes my senses, hearing the wind rustle the leaves, or the birds singing, being away from constant traffic noise, seeing what nature is doing, interacting with things like woods, the plants, the landscape. it is an outdoor space that makes me happy and I feel safe being there"
Wild Day Participant
Signing up and more information
To book a place on our Wild Days we ask that you first register you details using the link below.
When you have registered your interest we will contact you via phone to say hello and check you are happy with all the session details and which date you planned to come for your first session.
To book future sessions you can use the links provided below if you have already registered and spoken with us.
Alternatively, you can email us at flourish@brownrock.co.uk to let us know and we will add you to the list. Please note that each session has a maximum capacity of 12 people
What happens on a Wild Day
Wild Days are held in a relaxed and supportive environment, providing us with the opportunity to connect with nature throughout the seasons. Roundhouses in the woodland or meadow offer shelter, with an open fire for warmth, a simple soup lunch, and refreshments.
Each day begins with a grounding and check-in, allowing for solo time in nature, a seasonal activity that we do together, and the option to try something new. There is plenty of time for reflection and for us all to share our ideas and knowledge.
Is it right for me?
Wild Days are perfect as a taster before joining one of our NatureWell courses, as a standalone event, or as a regular nature top-up whenever you can make it.
We offer these sessions for anyone who feels the need to carve out time to slow down, fostering a sense of connection within a safe and supportive community in a natural environment
Wild Days Sessions
Here are some photos taken on different Wild Days throughout the seasons